Racing game history
ナムコのR:Racing Evolutionの発売日が最近発表された(2003年11月27日)。私はPS2版を買うか、GC版を買うか, XBOXを買うかそれか比べるために同時に三つを買うかはまだ迷ってる(迷ってるのは、私だけじゃないし・・・)。
Namco announced the release date for R:Racing Evolution recently as the 27th of November this year. I'm not sure whether to buy the PS2 version, the Gamecube version or the XBOX version, or maybe all 3 so I can compare them directly. Whilst browsing the Namco site I found an interesting new page had been added - Namco's Racing Game History. What surprised me the most was the date on Namco's first ever arcade racing game - 1969!! That's, like, World War II era... I wonder if my poor old grandpa, god rest his soul, played it?
On a sidenote, Gamespot has an interesting page: The History of Video Games. Apparently the first ever "tv video game" was made in 1958...