DNA Computer Games
NewScientist has reported recently that the game of tic-tac-toe has been implemented using a DNA computer. How long until someone knocks up a primordial Pong... and what if it starts replicating and we all get attacked by the Pong virus?... err
I found this other video though, which isn't as graphically interesting but still shows (and explains) the piecemeal "mechanical" way DNA is replicated. And this one, which shows part of the process called the Actin-myosin muscle.
Don't these molecular processes seem uncannily "digital" somehow?
(One more thing I found, someone took the time to emulate the famous Eames "Powers of Ten" video and is running it in Java!)
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research椷̤Molecular Visualizations of DNAȤӥǥǤʤõɥͥåȤǥɤʤߤ ԥ塼Ǻ줿ϣģΣΥץꥱΥᥫ˥ǤΤǡʤᥫ˥ʴȻפޤ1ĤΣģΣåȥƱž®٤ήƤԡᥫ˥̤ä2ĤΣģΣȥबФƤΤǤΤĤΥԡ˵դˤʤäƤ뤳ȤǤεդˤäݤưǶ̣ǤƤߤƤ