XBOXの「Midnight Club II」は結構売れています。この会社が作ったPS2タイトル「クレイジーバンプ」が全然日本で売れなかった。個人的にPS2の一番面白いゲームと思っているのに、、
Tomb Raiderもまだあるのかい!?何番でしょう?5?6?
A day or two ago, Famitsu published new pictures of DragonQuest VIII, which have been faithfully reproduced here: The Magic Box (along with about 5000 popup ads unfortunately).
Looks rather good doesn't it, or does it look familiar?
Take a look at True Fantasy Live Online. They are both m...
Recently I have been reading 2 interesting papers concerning the "next generation" graphics APIs. Both describe research APIs that are directly inspired by OpenGL, and both introduce relevant ideas to anyone writing a graphics api.
The first paper describes the SMASH api, used as a test/researc...