Gaming Industry News, Views, Ideas and Fears



This isn't directly gaming related, but watch this video closely it shows some great advances in digital filmography. If you don't like Kylie Minogue watch the people in the background. I wonder if we can't use this in a game somehow?



XBOXの「Midnight Club II」は結構売れています。この会社が作ったPS2タイトル「クレイジーバンプ」が全然日本で売れなかった。個人的にPS2の一番面白いゲームと思っているのに、、


Tomb Raiderもまだあるのかい!?何番でしょう?5?6?


A day or two ago, Famitsu published new pictures of DragonQuest VIII, which have been faithfully reproduced here: The Magic Box (along with about 5000 popup ads unfortunately).

Looks rather good doesn't it, or does it look familiar?

Take a look at True Fantasy Live Online. They are both m...

Recently I have been reading 2 interesting papers concerning the "next generation" graphics APIs. Both describe research APIs that are directly inspired by OpenGL, and both introduce relevant ideas to anyone writing a graphics api.

The first paper describes the SMASH api, used as a test/researc...

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