Following on from our previous article, just a quickie to point out some great optical illusions on this page. I wonder if anyone's successfully used optical illusions in a game to trick the player into thinking they're seeing something they're not?
Check those new pics of Mario Kart: Double Dash (the link was on QUITTER). The game looks terrific, if it's 60fps on LAN we are likely to spend a few weekends at the company playing it (just need to persuade the boss to buy a few more GameCubes...).
N-Gage is heading towards Japan at some point in the near future it seems.
I actually had a play on this way back in March at the GDC in San Jose. It was unbelievably bad and was hardly distinguishable from the current generation of 53-series J-Phones here in Japan where we can already play R...
Gamasutraで見つけたけど、Eidos(Tomb Raiderなど)がもうゲームキューブのタイトルを作らないって発表してました。「ゲームキューブの市場がどんどん縮んで行ってるから、今から1〜2年もかけてゲームを作ってたら市場は既になくなっているんじゃないか」、という風に言っています。(XboxとPS2のタイトルはまだ作るって)