Gaming Industry News, Views, Ideas and Fears



Gamesutra is reporting here that the gamecube is expected to receive a much-needed price-cut in the us to 99 dollars! At last, Nintendo has begun to see the light perhaps? Game console makers have to sell their machines at a loss to generate a big enough market to let everyone make decent profi...

Motoyan kindly sent a few interesting FZERO related links, here they are (copy pasted):

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Beeさんが作っている「Parthenon」という"GPU Assisted Global Illumination Renderer"の専用ページが誕生しました。Vertex / Pixel Shader 2.0や浮動小数点数バッファに対応しているグラフィックスカードをもっている人はぜひ試して下さい。このページ英語で書かれていますが、HimatsubushiのBBSDiaryに行けば、最近の情報や他の面白いデモプログラムがあります。

Bee finally made a special page for his GPU Assisted Global Illumi...

daimon.jpgThere is a national holiday in Japan from today for a few days called "O-bon", during which everybody's dead ancestors come down for a beer or two before heading back up to heaven (drunk I presume). In order to celebrate this celestial group binge fest. most Japanese companies give their employees t...

Following on from our previous article on the recent phenomenon called "Machinima" where budding directors and virtual actors use existing games and their 3d engines to create scripted scenarios or mini-movies, we discovered that certain people have also been using Halo (XBOX) to make their own...

Unleash your sadist impulsions with this puppet demo found at kaneko's home page (the file is a local copy of what you can find on Kaneko's home page). Just pick a location on the doll and move around. It's really great fun, too bad kanekosan didn't include a few sound effects (like: screams, BG...